SOCR 2011

SOUTH African cities are under the national and international spotlight again. Community protests over service delivery, disputes about councillor selection, mismanagement and underspending of municipal budgets, and recurrent billing problems have attracted growing public concern.


Yet cities have also been fĂŞted for rekindling a spirit of national unity during 2010, delivering world-class transport schemes and leading the economy out of recession. The SOCR 2011 reflects on the first decade of a democratic and transformed local government in South Africa 2001-2010.

2011 State of CIties Report (Full Version)


Towards Resilient Cities




Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Economy of Cities

Chapter 3: The Built Environment

Chapter 4: Cities as life-supporting Systems

Chapter 5: City Governance

Chapter 6: The Financial State of the Cities

Chapter 7: Conclusion

Chapter 5: City Governance

Lessons from the State of the Cities reporting process (2010/11)

Good practice guide and toolkit for State of the Cities reporting (2008)