Terms of Reference (ToR) – Call for Service Providers: Crime Statistics Aggregation and Analysis for the South African Cities Open Data Almanac (SCODA)


All submissions must be by close of business 5pm/17:00 by 28 May 2024 and must be emailed to Mr Jabulani Sandleni at jabulani@sacities.net.


All enquiries must be emailed to Mr Jabulani Sandleni at jabulani@sacities.net. by 22 May 2024

Request for Proposals (RFP) – Internal Audit


All submissions must be by close of business 5pm/17:00 by 21 May 2024 and must be emailed to Mr Jabulani Sandleni at jabulani@sacities.net.


All enquiries must be emailed to Mr Jabulani Sandleni at jabulani@sacities.net. by no later than 17 May 2024