The State of Expanded Public Works Programmes in South African Cities 2012-2013

As with previous reports, the 2012/13 report presents the status of EPWP implementation in relation to programme output targets, expenditure, and sector performance. It also takes stock of the institutional arrangements being used in the cities for delivering EPWP, analyses particular innovative practices, and identifies key challenges facing the cities. We trust that the stakeholders will continue to find value in the reporting and use its findings to enhance the performance and impact of EPWP.


This report continues to be significantly informed by the cities themselves, through the SACN-EPWP Reference Group, a peer-based platform comprising key city officials who are responsible for implementing the EPWP in their respective cities. This collective has continued to meet quarterly over the period, providing a forum where experiences and knowledge are exchanged between peers. The Reference Group also contributes to enhancing coordination between the cities and other role players towards the effective implementation of EPWP. We look forward to these reports contributing even more explicitly to enhancing job creation in South Africa, through information, reflection and learning based upon EPWP, our flagship public employment programme.