Green Economy Summit Report

This report contains an account of discussions held at the Green Economy Summit from 18 to 20 May 2010 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa. The summit was attended by a multi-sectoral stakeholder base comprising of Government officials from all spheres of Government, Business representatives, Labour representatives, various non-governmental organisations, academia as well as members of various international organisations and the diplomatic community. The report mainly provides a summary of issues raised by summit delegates as well as an analysis of how these issues can be taken further in developing a green economy plan but the report does not in any way constitute a policy and/or strategy document.


The Green Economy Summit was convened from 18 to 20 May 2010 under the overarching theme: “Towards a resource efficient, low carbon and pro-employment growth path.” The summit, made up of a broad multi-stakeholder base, broadly committed to ensuring that the Country’s growth path is resource efficient, far less carbon intensive and more labour absorbing and also mobilises and further develops the significant scientific and technological capacities of society at large.