Framework to Assess the Legacy Impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on Development of South African Cities

This project book is a narrative Phase 2 of the Legacy Project – Framework to Assess the Legacy Impact of the 2010 FIFATM World Cup (2010 FWC) on Development of South African cities. Its purpose is to explain the stages and the processes used in developing and refining the 2010 legacy report framework and provide details of the indicators used to measure the 2010 FWC on city development strategies. The indicators have been presented to various stakeholders, receiving an overall enthusiastic response. This consultative approach to developing this approach has, among others, included discussions with the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, the Department of Sports and Recreation, 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee and a variety of researchers and commentators. The ultimate goal of the 2010 city legacy assessment framework is to demonstrate the long-term impact of the 2010 FWC initiatives on the development of South African host cities.


The growing prominence and scale of mega-events, coupled with the rising levels of investments and aspirations that are attached to events, have given more significance to the discussion about the nature and content of events’ legacies. The nature and extent of specific impacts tend to be neglected and are often based on ex-ante studies and reports that tend to inflate anticipated outcomes and impacts. Also, mega-event studies have focused almost exclusively on economic and infrastructural impacts. Increasingly, the broad spectrum of impacts that cover a wide range of aspects (such as social, economic, environmental, etc.) are being integrated into assessing event legacies.