Developing a Collective Approach to Mixed Use Development in Transit Oriented Development Precincts

This research project aims to review the South African experience in planning and implementing transit-oriented developments (TODs), and understand the dynamics between the key role players in order to propose a collective approach to
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The State of Urban Safety in South Africa Report 2016

This report is produced by the members of the SA Cities Urban Safety Reference Group (USRG), hosted by the South African Cities Network (SACN), with the support of the GIZ’s Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention (VCP) programme. It is
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Planning for Green Infrastructure: Options for South African Cities

This paper argues that cities need to explore ways of planning and land-use for the natural and built environment to co-exist for community benefit. To achieve this, cities may need to have discussions about intergovernmental cooperation.
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Spatial Strategies Alignment Discussion Paper

This Report is a summary of an earlier study undertaken for the South African Cities Network (SACN) and the National Department of Cooperative Governance entitled: ‘Spatial Strategies Alignment Review’. The review defined what spatial
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The State of the Expanded Public Works Programme in South African Cities 2015-2016

The report outlines the progress and implementation of the EPWP by the cities over the 2015/16 period. This reporting period corresponds to the second year of Phase III of the
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Infrastructure Dialogues: The Annual Compendium 2015-2016

This Compendium provides an overview of the key themes that emerged from the five dialogues held between May 2015 and April 2016. The Infrastructure Dialogues are jointly hosted by the DBSA, South African Cities Network (SACN), National
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Assessing the Fiscal Impacts of Development

Despite the increased planning powers and control over resources, metros are still faced with severe housing backlogs and pressure to deliver housing solutions at scale. These dynamics provide a strong motivation for rational and
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Move the City 2035 – Minibus Taxi Scenarios

This report was based on a two part scenarios workshop series which brought together a range of mobility and minibus taxi industry thought
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Accelerating the Transition to Green Transport in South African Cities

A key imperative for South African cities is to move away from privately owned cars towards mass public transport, cycling and walking. This will reduce traffic congestion and road maintenance costs, improve accessibility, increase spatial
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Public Transport Skills

The SA Cities Network has undertaken research into the skills and capacities required for Integrated Rapid Transport (IRT) and developed a framework that can be used to assess the skills capacity of city transport
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A Study on Current and Future Realities for Urban Food Security in South Africa

There are currently high levels of food insecurity in South African cities. Urban food insecurity is characterised by low dietary diversity, high malnutrition and obesity, and distinct hunger seasons. This is caused by both household and
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State of Urban Safety in South African 2015 – Flyer

The State of Urban Safety in South Africa Report is a flagship publication of the South African Cities Urban Safety Reference Group
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Youth Policy Field and Institutional Analyses at Municipal Level in South Africa

The objective of this study was to gather information of relevance to create recommendations for strengthening municipalities’ capacities to respond to youth potentials and vulnerabilities. Further, the project was seen as a pilot to be
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Msunduzi City Development Strategy

The overall intention of the CDS is to guide and manage urban development and growth, and to balance competing resources and land-use demands, by putting in place a long-term, logical development path that will shape the spatial form and
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Potential of a Better Life – the Tale of Nine Cities

Based on the 2014 MasterCard African Cities Growth Index, this study offers an integrated assessment of cities’ economic, investment and business potential but in addition, the potential well-being and progress of their citizens. The
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