The Urban Land Paper Series: Volume 2

This volume uses the lens of transit-oriented development (TOD) to explore various land questions facing cities because TOD is unequivocally urban in its nature. It has become a central component of the integrated urban development agenda,
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The State of the Expanded Public Works Programme in South African Cities 2016-2017

The State of the Expanded Public Works Programme in South African Cities Report 2016/17 is the seventh publication in the series of reports produced by the SACN. The report outlines the progress and implementation of the EPWP by the cities
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Infrastructure Dialogues 2017

This Compendium of the Infrastructure Dialogues 2016–2017 is a distillation of those conversations, presenting the key themes and identifying issues that preoccupy all who are constructively involved in improving South Africa’s
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BRICS Cities: Facts and Analysis

This compendium and analysis of Cities in the BRICS was developed through a partnership between the South African Cities Network (SACN) and the South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning (SA&CP) at the University of
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Our Expanded Public Works Programme: Reflections of Over a Decade

These papers represent a mix of context-setting, descriptive and analytical research, critical reviews, and some foresight about directions for our main public employment programme. The reflections, insights and collection of lessons
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Economic Development in Municipalities: KZN Case Studies

The following report provides the synthesis and outcomes of research done within municipalities in the Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) province. The project sought to unpack and understand how these municipalities have understood and
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Strategic Framework To Enhance Built Environment Integration

The objective of the project was to take a pragmatic, operational view of the role of the Metro’s in guiding and enabling integrated spatial interventions that will result in transformed urban areas with more equitable, just and
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State of Water in Cities

To facilitate the reporting on water and its management by the SACN, a detailed technical report was commissioned of which the main objective was to conduct an assessment of the current state and quality of water infrastructure within
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The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF)

The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) is government’s policy position to guide the future growth and management of urban areas. In the economic history of humanity, urbanisation has always been an accelerator of growth and
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BRT Impacts at a Neighbourhood Level

South African cities have invested substantially in BRT systems with the aim of improving mobility and accessibility levels and catalysing the transformation of space to provide more inclusive, sustainable and productive cities. This
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The Transient Oriented Density Framework

The term ‘high density’ occurs often in discussions of global urban planning. But what exactly does it mean? There is much support internationally for the idea that high levels of urban density benefit cities environmentally, socially
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Transport Users: The Lived Experience

The purpose of the research project is to bring the voice of the commuter to the fore of transport discourse, to gain insight of what it means to be a transport user and for the information to feed into a measurable data set. Furthermore,
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State of South African Cities Report 2016: The People’s Guide

The fourth edition, in 2016, “South African Cities as effective drivers of local and national development” is the theme of the fourth edition of the SoCR. It is a product of the accumulated wisdom of five years of knowledge generation
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State of South African Cities Report 2016

The fourth edition, in 2016, “South African Cities as effective drivers of local and national development” is the theme of the fourth edition of the SoCR. It is a product of the accumulated wisdom of five years of knowledge generation
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Scoping Study: State of the City Infrastructure

The South African Cities Network (SACN) is considering producing a State of Cities Infrastructure Report (SOCIR) and appointed PDG to investigate what the scope of such a report should be. The methodology applied included a review of
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