Nelson Mandela Bay Built Environment Professionals Forum

Nelson Mandela Bay Built Environment Professionals Forum

This Professionals Forum saw the establishment and maintenance of an interface between the public and private stakeholders in the built environment sector including but not limited to engineers, architects, town planners and surveyors, to interact on concerns, issues, interventions, ideas, concepts, system development, etc. The goal is to improve and enhance the tangible and intangible built environment of Nelson Mandela Bay.


The BEPF has since its establishment successfully collaborated in the development of an electronic Municipal Application Management System (e-MAMS) aimed at enhancing and improving the processes associated with the submission; assessment and consideration of building plan and land use applications. Further collaboration will focus on the development of an online submission system. Collaboration in this regard already solved many of the challenges and issues that served as the raison d’être for the establishment of the Built Environment Professionals concern group. Other initiatives include the use of the Forum as a platform for public consultation on by-laws, policies and other directives of relevance to the built environment.


“It is the willingness, openness and transparency of the municipal officials and private sector professionals to collaborate toward enhancing the quality of the Built Environment in Nelson Mandela Bay that instils pride with all working, living and playing in the city. Collectively we can achieve more!”


Thank you to Schalk Potgieter for submitting this Good Hood Story.



Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality



NMBM Built Environment Professionals and Built Environment Professionals Platform