“Dreams are related to the past but connected to the future.” – African Proverb
The future African city is the one we’ve dreamed of. We’ve followed it steadfastly, weaving in past and present. If you listen carefully, you can hear her heartbeat, the beat that unites us. Our roots run deep, anchoring us on our path to the African City of the future. Our cultures are connected and expressed in our homes, businesses and echoed over the rolling hills. The hills that proudly support the energy of the future, our symbiosis with our environment who lusciously supports us to greater heights. Our city is the gateway to the future. Siyayibona Inhlanzi.
It seeks to respond to the idea that cultural heritage including attires and regalia, face the possibilities of exploitation through celebration. From the price of the regalia, to chance takers exploiting others through traditional African practices, via Izangoma, Izinyanga etc. The defunct banknotes are a metaphor for the price of exploitation.