Schools in underprivileged areas face challenges raising funds for their basic needs, including providing for food security of learners. The Ikusasa project empowers such schools through training learners, teachers and the broader community in poultry farming, which can provide sustainable funding.
A pilot project was implemented at Dukemini Primary School based in KwaMashu Ward 46. Workshops were held on weekends and covered training in how to establish a poultry farm, hygienic practices when farming egg-laying chickens, rainwater harvesting and business management (selling eggs).
What has been achieved
Alignment with IUDF
Inclusion and access: children are often excluded from economic development initiatives instead of being encouraged to become entrepreneurs.
Growth: three family-run businesses were started.
Governance: members from government departments also attended the workshops and want to see the project expand to other schools.
Academia: school: learners and teachers
Government: ward councillor, departments of sanitation and water, parks and recreation, and agriculture
Civil Society: parents of learners and community