Developing a Public Transport Investment Assessment Framework

The South African Cities Network (SACN) commissioned a study to create a public transport investment assessment framework that encompasses broader built environment objectives. These objectives were taken from the South African policies, grant guidelines and the Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) instituted by the government. International examples of assessment framework indicators were also assessed, and their outcomes analysed and compared with the South African policy direction. The City Support Programme (CSP) indicators were then compared with both internationally recognised indicators and the built environment objectives, and the relevant ones were brought into a Theory of Change assessment framework. Where no indicators from the CSP existed, new ones were created. The indicators were presented to municipal officials, who were asked whether the relevant data was collected and, if so, how often; if not, then what systems and resources would be required to collect this data. They were also asked whether they thought any area was missing from the proposed indicators.