The 2018 South African Urban Conference

The 2018 South African Urban Conference

The 2018 South African Urban Conference will follow on from the 2017 event which focused specifically on communication and engaging with urban stakeholders on the content of the IUDF. At this follow up event, the aim is to further embed the IUDF agenda by focusing on what implementation means in practice. A series of sessions will focus on the themes and sub-themes and will be designed so that there are theoretical and evidence-based inputs but also space for thinking through what practical implementations of the IUDF means for the various spheres of government and in different sectors.

Recognising the importance of a collective platform for engaging on the different urban interventions that are taking place and how these speak to the global and urban agendas, the partners have agreed to host this conference as an annual event, focused on encouraging dialogue on urban issues in South Africa. This year’s conference will be taking place between the 30-31 October at The Forum | Turbine Hall in Johannesburg.

The objectives of the conference are as follows:

  • Harvesting Drawing together the collective intelligence of various actors so as to map what is happening in the urban space. Identifying where there are opportunities for collaboration and co-producing effective urban responses.
  • Engaging: Working through what multi-stakeholder engagement looks like in practice. Thinking through creating and generating partnered responses.
  • Mobilising: Talking, reflecting, planning together as a collective towards action. How do we develop individual and collective plans to achieve our long term urban agendas?
  • Monitoring Benchmarking where we are now in order to measure progress over time. Determining what our qualitative and quantitative measures are for determining progress and success in implementing the urban agenda.

Please note that delegates will qualify for Continued Personal Development (CPD) points, determined by the Planning Regulatory Body SACPLAN.

For more information please click here: SACPLAN

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